


Well I made it to my first convention and I must say it was so very very incredible, amazing, transformational, invigorating, inspiring, and every positive motivating expressive adjective or verb you can think of! I will never forget it. I don’t mind sharing with you that my success is a work in progress. One of my main reasons for wanting to go to convention is the board breaking. For the past year I have been watching videos about the Breaking through to success learning pod. (what you might know as a seminar in passion parties – at convention are called pods)
And I knew that I wanted to go to convention to learn how to break through my negative tendencies, thought processes and BREAK that board in half! I did it on the 1st try!! And it was extra emotional for me because it was my sister holding the board. Not just a passion sister. My real life biological sister. *lol*

my sister holding my board

my sister holding my board

BROKE my board

I Broke my board!

Funny that breaking a board felt like a piece of air. I don’t remember feeling the board against my hand at all. I guess I was just so intent on doing it. But yet at the same time when I did I was so surprised. My sister hugged and kissed me and I cried. *lol*

And breaking that board was so much more important to me than walking the stage to receive my Team Leader pin. The board breaking is spiritual and emotional in nature.

There were so many wonderful experiences at convention! I got my nose re-pierced. wooohoo! Part of reinstating myself… Being myself.. and not sacrificing that for anyone, or any job!
I got to meet up with friends I made at Passion Power the summer before. Special connections I made, friendships and bonds that will last the rest of my life. 3 ladies I did not know before August of 2012 but are now friends for life.  Jessica Guild from Alaska, Vinnie Hughes from Idaho, and Deb Burrell from Montana. Then there were the ladies I’ve connected with over the past year on facebook. Yup!  I got to meet some of those friends in person now too!! My passion pal (accountability buddy) Alecia Olson from Minnesota. woohoo!! A midwestern gal from my backyard of Minnesota 😉 And I also got to meet up with Jackey Toombs who I have chatted w/ a lot on facebook. We cheer each other on during the good times and encourage one another during the down times.


We were all treated like royalty the entire time. Wonderful healthy lunches and dinners with edible art-like desserts. Australia’s Thunder Downunder strippers! Games! Prizes! Inspiring Speakers! – like Dr. Drew, Brian Biro and our million dollar club consultants giving us tips, do’s and don’ts. And so so much more!

visit my facebook pages to check out more photos…
Next year we will be at the Mirage!!

Passion Parties by Julie Jenks www.enchantedpassion.com
307-899-2946 text or call
LIKE my page if you agree that we should always take the time to pamper ourselves!
Passion Potion

Follow me on twitter: #passionfey

When you join my team Enchanted Passion of successful consultants, you receive my free business starter kit!
Blessings & Passion ~ Julie



This week I am experiencing an abundance of joy, pride, and accomplishment!
My dress for Wednesday awards night at convention is ordered. Should be arriving soon. I’ve booked my ride to and from the airport/Rio hotel!! YAY! Thank you CeeJay so much for this service that he provides to us consultants while we are in his fabulous city. YAY Las Vegas baby!!

A friend booked a party with me. And I’ve been having a blast with the facebook event guest questionaire. I get to share information about my business, obtain information to better assist me in giving a great party with what the guests are interested in seeing. I get more time to share why you should book a party with me and the goodies you will receive. SO much fun! For the 1st time I could be getting a booking from a party. So that is so totally exciting to me!!

It is fun to me to give discounts to the guests. By answering my questions on the event they are earning points for each action they answer. The points are worth specific a amount of discount on item of their choice. Who doesn’t love to save money! AND before they even walk through the door of the party!!

There are more and more of my team going to convention too! YAY! Won’t be all by my lonesome at this event! And I get to room w/ one of our newest team members that I really like. Looking forward to next year already when another one will be able to go. SO excited to meet these spectacular ladies in person. And they live in Bakersfield, where my sister and family live. So, that would give me even more incentive to go visit my parents! 😀 Like I need a reason to go visit. *lol* I miss them so much. and want to go home so badly sometimes. (I lived there for 4 years) But I think about my kids and grand kids here in Wyoming. I just do not know how I would ever leave them… 

Convention Shopping 2013

I have purchased my dream dress for the awards night! YAY! SO SO Pretty!!!

Want a peek?!

Awards Banquet Night

Awards Night Dress!


I am leaning towards wearing boots with it. It is called Fae Dress from The Pyramid Collection

So, I’m getting excited about convention again. *giggles* I have some nice pretty chiffon tops that I need to find a nice pair of pants to go with them. I would really really like to find a pair of affordable long dark purple boots to wear with this dress.
Check out my Pins on Pinterest to see my cool boot finds.

And YAY! I have my 1st party of 2013 booked for February 9th 😀 SO excited!! Hoping to generate some money for convention. 


Day 19 of my Gratitude blessings list! And positive energy is already beginning to increase.
A lot of my lists involve being grateful for my business opportunities, consultants, money, …
And that is now beginning to increase!

Registration is now open for annual convention!!! wooohoo!!! I have chosen the learning pods that I want to participate in. SO excited!!
*ugh* 2 months to go until I can go. Now to work on having more money! I need to change my flight ticket so I can have a suit case checked. That will cost
$30.00 to make changes to my reservation. And I will need spending money as well. And I’m hoping to buy some clothing and shoes.

It will all come 🙂

I am thankful for my parents and my sister helping me out so much & for my husband buying my plane ticket



A Lot of New Beginnings


2013 holds great promise & great change for me.

day 4 of  The Magic practices. 10 gratitude blessings written in paper journal – check!

I am also starting a 21 day sugar detox. Part of my promises to myself is to be a healthier me. Sugar is part of the key. I stopped drinking my orange sunkist pop over a month ago. So that right there is a big step in the right direction. I had a couple of pieces of pizza yesterday and woke up feeling sooo sick to my stomach, dizzy, unbalanced like my equilibrium was way off, and headachey too. Just generally feel like crap. And really hungry! Like I didn’t even eat.

I am very thankful that I found one online that is free. I don’t have money to invest in a book or anything right now.

Lets see, according to my schedule since its Wednesday I’ve designated today as a free choice day for my business. I can choose to do anything I think I need to do.
I just added that in today. So, I’ll have to go back & edit my online copy of my schedule. I have been feeling like getting back into the groove of my business. I’ve been very sick the past few months. And I’m feeling better. At least I can focus on my business now. A month ago it was the farthest thing from my mind. I was throwing up everyday 6 to 10 times a day! I had no energy at all. Did not even know if I would be able to go to convention or not. I couldn’t even make any gifts for my family for the holidays.

But now, a month or so later I’m having more energy. I’m not taking naps in the afternoon anymore. Which is so NOT me to take naps. *lol* And I’m able to stay up past 6:00 now. Heck! I was ready for bed around 4:00 but struggled to stay awake until at least 6:00

okay! On to a glorious gratitude day!!!

signature tag created by me
graphics by ALP & MD


I am on day 3 of the book by Rhonda Byrne The Magic. This morning I wrote out my 10 gratitude blessings & read practice No.3 – Magical Relationships.
Looking forward to applying this to my daily life. In the Passion Parties circles I notice there is a lot of talk about the Universal Law of Attraction, power of positive thought…

My daughter actually had bought me The Magic book over a year ago. I had started reading it. Then slacked off. Then my sister Jenny mentioned it. And I was surprised that she was interested in something that I already had. And she has been applying this to her life at full force and her business has really sky rocketed! It’s really impressive to me how she thinks and applies positive thought and magic of gratitude  to her life everyday. I had really slacked off on all of this. And have not been happy.  I decided to make 2013 full of abundance for me. To make a lot more change in my life & take my business by storm to the top. And to receive out of life what I really want.

I’ve created a facebook group for other DIVA’s who are reading or interested in reading The Magic. Or if you have or are reading The Secret, and actively applying the practices to your life.
The Magick Secret – facebook group

If I believe it – I can achieve it!

I am even thinking about making ‘The Magic’ book a part of my new consultant welcome package.



Today I’ve written out my Passion Parties goals and business new year resolutions. I still have to come up with a schedule and create a visual table of that & print it out.

But I started back reading The Magic by Rhonda Byrne.
The Magic*click on book to view or purchase at Amazon*
Which is living a life through gratitude. Based on the law of attraction. Like attracts like. Feel, think & act negatively and that is what you will get more of in your life. Feel, think, & act positively in your life. And more of the same will come your way.

I’ve written my 10 blessings. Which, tomorrow I will begin doing this every morning for the next 27 days ( instead of hoping on the computer right away).
I’ve pick out my magic rock also. I’ve chosen a medium sized amethyst polished stone. It will remain under my pillow or someplace nearby that I can see, but my cats Thor & Isis won’t be able to get to. (Then I’d never find it!) lol
The gratitude practice is to each morning write out 10 things that I am thankful or feel blessed to have in my life. And write why I feel thankful or grateful.
Read through my list outloud or silently. Say thank you, thank you, thank you after each one. When I go to bed hold my smooth pretty amethyst stone. And think of everything that happened through the day, find the memory that I am most thankful for. Focus on it. Put my stone away. Now I am ending and beginning day with gratitude! 😀


Excited about Convention 2013

I am looking forward to convention so much!!!

Passion Parties 19th Annual Convention: December 10-13th 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada – Rio Hotel!

Convention has been the goal the whole time. I wanted to experience convention before I even signed on with passion parties. I want to experience it all. Meeting all sorts of new people, the speakers always sound so amazing, I can tell there is just such a high amount of energy and bonding. self asteem building… My airline ticket is purchased! Hotel room booked! Now I’m trying to save money & looking at clothing and shoes and nails and jewelry lol oh my! Trying to control the amount that I spend though. I need to keep the expense of preparing to go very low. So, I’m actually thinking about doing some 2nd hand shopping. But of course I can dream. So I’ve been looking at e-bay and things online…

Candidates for Dresses darkstargothic-witchypagancelticelvish-dresspurplepagandress-polyvore



Candidates for Shoes 

redvelvetheelsAt 1st I luved the faery style dresses on top. The wine or the purple would be perfect for me. And I really want to not break my neck in high heels and was thinking about wearing boots.

3832-271469-pThen I started really leaning towards the gray dress with hot pink boots or the black dress with hotpink boots: imageslilgraydresslilblackdress

Now I really really like the red dress! *lol* These dresses are $36.00 available in red, hotpink, gray, black, and royal blue at e-bay

lilreddress$(KGrHqEOKjEE31zulztkBN-sqtSttg~~0_3  redvelvetheelstumblr_m9ksn9iMY51rek3kao1_500And these are pretty too. Lavender/purple has always been my favorite color. I don’t know if I will go with something in that color or go with my impulse to be different this time *lol*

$(KGrHqNHJEgFDTE6vHM3BQ05(kE3)!~~60_12Well at least I still have 3 months to decide *giggles*

OR! — If I get a black dress I can get the gorgeous lavender shoes pictured above!

Now Hiring!!

 join my team – Cherry Blossoms!



Follow Me – http://twitter.com/#!/PassionFey

Friend Me – http://facebook.com/JulieSJenks

Skype I.D. – PassionFey e-mail – juliespassionparties@gmail.com

Your Passion is my Pleasure
